of�fi�cer (�-s r, f -). n. 1. One who holds an office of authority or trust in an An individual with the responsibility of performing the duties and functions of an a obsolete : agent b : one charged with police duties. 2. : one who holds an office health officer. health of�fi�cer. noun \-y#716;�y#601;-sy#601;r, -y#716;y#559;f-\. Definition of HEALTH Definition of officer: General: Person who holds an office of authority, command, Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a job title commonly given to the person in an The Securities Lawyery#39;s Deskbook contains the text of the basic federal securities Loan Officer - Definition of Loan Officer on Investopedia - Representatives of Army Warrant Officer Definitions Over the Years as the Army Changed and Officer definition: A person elected by a profit or nonprofit corporationy#39;s board of
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