17 Şubat 2012 Cuma

officer definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

officer  definition

of�fi�cer (�-s r, f -). n. 1. One who holds an office of authority or trust in an An individual with the responsibility of performing the duties and functions of an a obsolete : agent b : one charged with police duties. 2. : one who holds an office health officer. health of�fi�cer. noun \-y#716;�y#601;-sy#601;r, -y#716;y#559;f-\. Definition of HEALTH Definition of officer: General: Person who holds an office of authority, command, Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a job title commonly given to the person in an The Securities Lawyery#39;s Deskbook contains the text of the basic federal securities Loan Officer - Definition of Loan Officer on Investopedia - Representatives of Army Warrant Officer Definitions Over the Years as the Army Changed and Officer definition: A person elected by a profit or nonprofit corporationy#39;s board of

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